
Going slightly deaf at 45.

It's all a bit old man should know better - Splatalot's Ballista.

The Stray Cats - Wilbur taken in for Christmas.

Really the Dutch have us beat hands down on this bike thing.

Selling t-shirts to the Scientologists.

The Surrey Hills mountain biker.

10/12/2011 - First night ride of the year - a tribute to Cameron and Europe.

Zilf's - the craze for Zombies.

Pure Wet Lube from Weldtite

Zombie pets. How to design a t-shirt for mass production.

X-factor sadness ride report 27/11/11

Fame at last!

How the t-shirts from Muddy Ground are screen printed.

The mammogram - a serious post-feminist discussion.

20/11/11 ride report - biscuit guy leaves the X-Factor

13/11/2011 X-Factor goes Lady Ga Ga ride report.

Ride report 6/11/2011 - London to Brighton

No ride report - been crabbing in Cromer, Norfolk.

9/10/11 ride report. The Steve Jobs tribute spin.

Really cool advertisement for USA fixies.

This is just slightly ridiculously good!

Ride report 02/10/2011: Of Comets, common cold and the missed enduro.

25/09/2011 ride report - AD had the legs on me.

L'Etape du Surrey Hors Categorie t-shirt

Jeb Corliss - this man is made of iron.