And the Ninja Trail Builder of the Month Award goes to....

The Ninja award goes to OK for his big spade, wheelbarrow and toe 'tector boots filling holes over near the golf course. I was out for an evening spin, just as it was getting dark, and out of the mire came this sweaty, muddy apparition carrying a mahoosive spade. It looked like he'd buried his wife, Katie. Ooops! So initially I avoided his gaze. You would too, meeting an obvious nutter in the woods. But he looked familiar - aha, inveterate Muddy ground t-shirt wearer OK it was. Quick chat and it transpired that he regularly answers adverts for free hard core in the local papers, using such to fill holes at dusk with his trusty wheelbarrow. We swopped Ninja trail maintenance stories for a time, but it was getting dark and we both had things to do; me to ride, him to continue burying his wife in the dark woods.

Good man. If you are wondering where that annoying puddle went recently.....

4/9/2013: Today I went out and cut back 100m of annoying brambles on the North Downs Way. So for the next week or so, thank me for the punctured tyres but un-punctured arms. Got sick of being garrotted on that little down/along/up section near AD's animal graveyard.

Also took the time to seek out OK's maintenance. You know he did more than lay hard core? He's actually taken the time to cut drainage channels. Seeing as how he's a civil engineer [we think] I'm fairly confident he's done a proper job of it as well. He's not made the trail any different - it still follows the same route, no silly berms or jumps. He's just given the standing water somewhere to go.
