Muddy Ground has just updated Muddy Ground.

I've just updated to better images for the quality t-shirts, but I've also put in a product review of stuff I've been using. Indeed I've changed the whole theme of the website, moving away from being a rather sad and lonely place to flog a few original design t-shirts [that really are rather good in a really rather good kind of way] to a more exciting page devoted to promoting mountain biking in Surrey. Hopefully the t-shirt sales will eventually pay for the web page. Fingers, toes and everything else crossed there then.

The website has only just changed direction, so may appear a bit disjointed right now, but I'll tidy it up over the next few weeks. Hopefully I'll produce something between a shop, advice page and blog - er, but isn't that a magazine I hear you Dear Reader cry? D'oh! At least I promise not to fill it with endless ride reports.
