Broken Nuke Proof OKLO. Ashtead and back in the mud.

I'll keep it short; wet Wednesday, has been wet for yonks, so expected mud on our ride out. Well we got it in spades and it was lovely. You know how rides go sometimes; at the start you're avoiding the puddles and tip-toeing through the mud. By the end you're jumping into ditches and hitting mud patches at oblique angles just to enjoy the subsequent slide.

PP did comment at one point that after Llandegla and Afan, he'd thought that Surrey would be boring. Yet he said that today's ride, today's route, was in many ways as challenging and as fun as Afan. My, that's praise indeed!

It was great fun and just like being a kid again!

Some negatives from the ride:
  • My OKLO seatpost lost its' head and has to go back under warranty. Lasted almost a month that. 
  • I had massive chain suck problems.
  • PP's gears were not quite right.
  • PP killed a pigeon in a massive shower of feathers.
  • There was an hideous cold wind in exposed areas.

Some positives from the ride:
  • Since Afan my riding style is more positive - now spotting more natural berms and can, to an extent, float over more trail hazards. Things sometimes, just sometimes, flow better as a result.
  • The mud was immense fun.
  • PP's fitness is coming on in leaps and bounds. Keeping me on my toes.
  • My ancient PACE, a 26" wheeled dinosaur, still keeps providing me with smiles.
  • PP is starting to show a dry sense of humour.
